What Options are there for payment?
You MUST pay by Paypal at the time of entry to avoid disappointment as your entry will be deleted if payment is not made. Follow the link on the Home page – top R – Athlete drop down - Payment.
How will my entry be confirmed?
You will receive an email to say your entry has been received and a Paypal receipt after payment.
What is the Closing date for registration?
Midnight Sunday 21st May 2023.
Will I have to pay even if I do not compete?
YES. You should pay at time of Registration. Any athlete who has not paid by the closing date will be removed from the entry lists.
Will the meeting be held under UKA or WA rules?
Under WA/UKA Rules
When will we know what time we are competing?
Final information will be emailed to all competitors after the entry closing date giving times and details of when to report, etc. It will also be posted on the web site!
Is there a limit to the number of events I can enter?
NO. But please be aware of potential clashes as we cannot guarantee that your event pools will not clash or overlap.
Can my Coach get in free?
YES – they need to Register for Coach Accreditaion by Weds 24th May and bring their Current Coaching Licence with them on the day to show at the Spectator Entrance. Only Coaches listed with their athletes on Power of 10 and only one Coach per athlete.
What are the rules about kit?
You may wear any kit so long as it conforms to WA and UKA rules.
If I am on the RESERVE list, when will I know for certain that I can compete?
Reserve lists will be activated when an event is full. You do not need to pay until you have received an email to say you have been moved into the main competition or are emailed the event details. At this point you will need to pay immediately via the link provided.
Will there be a Physio available?
There will be no Physio this year but there will be an Ambulance and Paramedics in attendance
Will I be able to use my IPod/ Headphones in the warm up area?
NO – this is for safety reasons and will be strictly applied by all Officials and Stadium Staff.
Will I be able to take my mobile phone / IPod / MP3 into the arena?
NO – all mobile phone/IPod/MP3 etc will need to be left with your Coach/Family for safekeeping until after your event. Anyone found with these in the Arena will be disqualified from the competition.
Where will I be able to see results?
These will be displayed in the Warm Up Area as soon as possible after the conclusion of each event. They will also be published on the web site and sent to Power of 10 for publication.
How can I book accommodation?
There are a number of hotels you could use in Bedford. Try the Mercure Hotel (01234 799988), Travel Lodge, Premier Inn, The Swan Hotel, the Barns Hotel and many smaller guest houses.